Time is Money. Instant Quotes at Your Fingertips.
During the course of any busy day, you'll encounter prospects seeking ballpark payments (Quick Quotes) on vehicles they have interest in. At other times, you may find it necessary to estimate a payoff on a potential trade-in, or need to contact your favorite auction or vendor and need the phone number or email address. All of this and more is instantly available within our "pop-up" Quick Quote Module without the risk of losing any deal you may currently be engaged in processing.
- Calculate and Quote payment information to a prospect and print the results
- Enter and Save all of your Vendor and Auction contact information within a Rolodex-style database for immediate access at anytime
- Calculate Estimated Payoffs for a trade on weekends or after banking hours
- Calculate a Payment based on a Total Amount to Finance, or an Amount Financed based on a Desired Payment
- Compare Finance Payments against Lease Payments using a split screen window
- Calculate any potential Credit Life Insurance Refunds that may be applicable