Integrated, Secure, Online Credit App. Arrange Customer Financing Faster.
Connecting thousands of dealers and finance sources in North America for vehicle financing, RouteOne’s platform delivers a comprehensive suite of F&I solutions across multiple channels: in-store, online, mobile, and via third-party solutions. Its flagship products include credit applications, eContracting, compliance, desking, and online/mobile retail services. ComSoft offers a seamless bi-directional integration with RouteOne whereby the prospect's information is initially entered into the ComSoft MonyMaker program and then electronically submitted to RouteOne in a secure environment. RouteOne then transmits the deal to finance sources that you have established a relationship with and once a credit decision has been reached, the results are broadcast back down to the ComSoft DMS. This integration will save the dealership time by eliminating double entry and avoiding keying errors.
List of Finance Sources on RouteOne
Credit Acceptance provides auto loans to consumers regardless of their credit history. They also report to three national credit-reporting agencies. ComSoft offers an interface into Credit Acceptance Corporation.